Rhett Bender
Rhett Bender, D.Mus.A., is a Professor of Music at Oregon Center for the Arts at Southern Oregon University where he teaches saxophone, history, theory and chamber music. In the summers he is the Director of the Ashland Chamber Music Workshop. Bender is the soprano saxophonist with the Globe Saxophone Quartet and the Director of the Siskiyou Saxophone Orchestra and Cascade Clarinet Consort. He serves as the Region 1 Director of the North American Saxophone Alliance. In China Bender is saxophone guest artist-teacher at the Sichuan Conservatory of Classical Music in Chengdu and a Visiting Professor of Music at the School of Arts of Yantai University. He has been featured on the cover of the Saxophone Journaland in Strings magazine for an innovative approach to chamber music education. Bender is principal saxophonist with Rogue Valley and Britt Festival Orchestras and is a woodwindist for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Yamaha and Texas Bandmasters have published his clarinet/saxophone pedagogy articles; and his book, American Saxophone Quartets,is published by Lambert Academic Publishers. Recordings of Bender’s performances of the music of Todd Barton may be found on AUR’s seven-volume CD set, America’s Millennium Tribute to Adolphe Sax.Rhett Bender is a Yamaha Performing Artist.